Vision, Mission & Core Values


Helping Christian writers become published authors 


Producing in-depth and edifying literature for the body of Christ

Publishing loving presentations of the Gospel for followers of other world views

Impacting lives and transforming culture by “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15)


(1) To publish books and other media that edify and enlighten believers as they seek a “deeper revelation” of their salvation and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

(2) To produce materials that effectively minister biblical truth to seekers of other worldviews, those who do not yet embrace Christianity.

(3) To mentor Christian writers in order to make them more effective in communicating the truth, by means of both non-fiction and fiction.

(4) To assist gifted authors in getting their works published and distributed, especially those who are unfamiliar with the printing/publishing industry and need our assistance.

(5) To be an effective evangelistic arm of the church in helping to fill the earth with “the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)

(6) To work passionately for the success of our Associate Authors and the advancement of their ministries.

(7) To be faithful to God and to the truth in all that we do: to maintain honesty, integrity and purity of doctrine, no matter what the cost.

(8) To do all things with excellence as an act of worship toward God—to whom we owe our very life and breath and for whom we labor every day that His Kingdom might be advanced in this world.